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October 7, 2023
Understanding Power Tool Maintenance: Tips for Longevity

Power tools will naturally get worn and damaged over time with every use. For this reason, every professional needs to look after their tools in the best way to keep them effective. In this article, we look at some of the top maintenance tips that ensure your power tools last longer and are more efficient.






Why Power Tool Maintenance Is Important


Power tools are built to withstand harsh environments, grueling tasks, and long hours. Naturally, this will put some wear and tear on any tool. Whether it’s for business or home improvements of your own, the tools you use need to stay in shape.

Tools don’t exactly grow on trees which means having to replace worn-out equipment will put a dent in your wallet. Apart from expenses, needing to buy and replace tools constantly is also a strain on the environment itself.

Power tool manufacturing requires a large number of resources – from energy and raw materials to manpower and factory infrastructure. These all directly contribute to a detrimental impact on the environment. By maintaining your tools, you reduce the need to replace them which reduces the impact of tool manufacturing.



Common Mistakes Made Maintaining Tools


When it comes to tool maintenance, most people – even professionals – can get it wrong. While it may seem simple enough, there are a few common mistakes that can lead to serious tool damage or personal injury.


• Using the Wrong Tools

While everyone thinks that they know what they’re doing when it comes to using tools, it’s very easy to simply overstate your knowledge and use the wrong tool. The incorrect bits, blades, or accessories can lead to tool damage, property destruction, and injury. Do proper research into what tool your specific task needs to ensure the tool’s longevity and durability.  


• Neglecting Specific Tool Maintenance

Tools all come with specific needs and maintenance requirements. This means that each tool will need distinct care and attention. Treating all your tools in the same way when it comes to maintenance can have adverse results where unique attention is needed. Ensure that you read the manual for each tool to know how to take care of its maintenance needs.


• Skimping on Replacement Parts

When a tool falters, most contractors will try to save money and time by ordering cheaper replacement parts. This leads to low-quality parts reducing the lifespan and performance of the tool itself and can risk further damage to the entire device. In the long run, you’ll be paying much more if you rely on cheap, low-grade replacements.


• Neglecting Routine Maintenance

For tools and equipment, preventative maintenance is the most ideal choice rather than corrective maintenance. Preventative maintenance is done while the tool is still functional and allows you to identify issues regularly. Routine maintenance is a form of this proactive approach and will help to catch any faulty parts, functions, or mechanics before any damage can be done.


• Rushing the Repair Process

While every job site is eager to get going after needing to repair a tool, cutting corners can cost you more than it can save you. Rushing your maintenance and ignoring protocols to quicken the process can lead to incomplete or ineffective repairs – causing tool failure and even more interruptions.


• Incorrect Storage

Once the job is done, you might be in a rush to get some rest at home. However, storing your tools incorrectly can cause more trouble for you the next day. Leaving tools out in the open can lead to a buildup of dust and moisture which can affect circuits in power tools and clog up gears. Loosely dumping all your tools together can also lead to damage, misplaced parts, and unintended wear.

Keep your tools stored in a cool, dry area away from moisture, dust, or direct sunlight. Use a secure toolbox with designated sections for each tool and ensure that the tools are out of reach from small children to prevent accidents or injury. This will also keep your tools neat, clean, and lasting longer.



How to Maintain Your Tools the Right Way


We’ve rounded up some of the tricks and tips on how to maintain your tools in the correct way to extend their lifespan and performance.


1. Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions

Naturally, the manufacturer will know more about maintaining the tool than you do. Read all manuals and instructions and follow them exactly to maintain the tool properly. User manuals also give you tips on storage, cleaning, replacement centers, and warranty information.


2. Tighten Power Tool Bolts and Screws

Over time and with regular use of power tools, the screws and bolts that hold the tool together can come loose. Try to regularly tighten all the exposed screws to keep the device running smoothly.


3. Keep the Bits and Blades Sharp

A blunt blade can cause a power tool extreme stress and overwork the motor. Dull bits and blades also lead to operator fatigue and a generally shoddy job being done. Most manufacturers will recommend certified blade sharpening services of their own in the user manual but if they don’t you can always ask a local hardware or construction store for recommendations.


4. Cooling Down Heated Tools

Tools can overheat when they’re used for long periods or do extra strenuous work. This puts a lot of pressure on the tool and can cause performance issues, burnt-out motors, and damage to parts. Ensure that your tools have enough time to cool down between tasks to prevent overheating and extend their lifespan. 


5. Cleaning Tools After Each Use

While you might think a quick blow to the blade is enough of a cleanup, most tools suffer buildup that affects performance and lifespan. Ensure that your tool is cleaned as directed by the user manual after every use to prevent dust, grime, and moisture buildup. Wipe the tool clean with a soft cloth – or a damp cloth depending on manufacturer instructions – to prevent damage. Do not use any harsh or corrosive chemicals such as bleach, chlorine, or paint thinners on the plastic parts of tools as this will damage them.


6. Lubricate Tools as Instructed

The moving parts of a tool need to be properly lubricated regularly. Some tools might require specific lubrication – remember to always follow the specific tool’s instructions. This prevents corrosion, overheating, and chafing. 


7. Calibrate

Power tools rely on precision to be fully effective. This means that the tool needs to remain perfectly aligned at all times. In the tool’s user manual, there will be an outline of the time and recalibration method. 


8. Power Tool Battery Care

While you can simply replace a battery, that can be expensive and damaging to the environment. Lithium-ion batteries are the usual choice for most power tools on the market. Ensure that the battery lasts longer by storing the tool at optimum temperatures as heat spikes and direct sunlight can damage batteries. Never let the battery die completely before recharging the tool and regularly clean the tool to prevent filtering issues.



Choosing the Right Brand for Longevity


DongCheng Tools has a long history of providing high-powered and great-quality tools that can keep up with any project’s demands. With powerful motors and advanced designs, the DongCheng power tool range is the ideal companion for endurance and reliability.

Choose a power tool brand that understands going the extra mile for precision, power, and passion. Visit today to find the perfect tool for the job.

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